Christ Centered Resource Stewardship

Join us today: We bridge the gap between resources, services  and needs

we are a ccs network

Mission Statement

We are a prayer based organisation that believes in maximum returns on every resource Christians are endowed with in every area of work and ministry. Whether by individual effort or church. Our church missions work targets Africa. We know and understand Africa. We help churches avoid the cultural pitfalls that hinder the work of the gospel with many well intentioned but unlearned mission attemts that end up in frustration for both parties.

At the same time, we assist the ministries on the field in Africa with the most efficient way to connect with those who have genuine interest in seeing the work of reaching and saving souls move forward quickly.

Our method is to encourage the use of the abundantly available resources, talents and gifts through:

1.Establishing long term ministry relationships

2. Two way knowledge and ministry exchange

3. Business & working relationships and Christ centered financial stewardship



Featured Links

Featured Partners

Quick Links


Visiting Ministers Services we Offer


          2.Studio recording

          3.Computer services

          4.Room and board

Hospitality Care

When pastors and ministers from Africa visit the USA, we provide many amenities for them at no charge to help them rest as they minister. This service also helps them to keep in touch with their home churches as well as do administrative work.

Your freewill help is needed and welcome. Your reward is in heaven. We are not a 501c. Thank you


Some Past Work


Africa Harvest promo videos


Walk Worthy Press Website


After school computer training


Footsteps with impact on iTunes


3 John 1:5-8

"Dear friend, you are being faithful to God when you care for the traveling teachers who pass through, even though they are strangers to you. They have told the church here of your loving friendship. Please continue providing for such teachers in a manner that pleases God. For they are traveling for the Lord, and they accept nothing from people who are not believers. So we ourselves should support them so that we can be their partners as they teach the truth".

3 John 1:5-8

Free Office Space for internet communication & data services

Video editing & duplication capabilities

Audio recording

Bikes for pastors
Bikes for pastors
AHM evangelism
AHM evangelism
HELP Foundation
HELP Foundation
AGAPE visit
AGAPE visit
Harvest Church
Harvest Church
Harvest Church
Harvest Church

Praying With Impact Workbook

Click on photo icon to enlarge

AHM Mission table at Abba's House church