Christ Centered Resource Stewardship

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Mission Statement

We are a prayer based organisation that believes in maximum returns on every resource Christians are endowed with in every area of work and ministry. Whether by individual effort or church. Our church missions work targets Africa. We know and understand Africa. We help churches avoid the cultural pitfalls that hinder the work of the gospel with many well intentioned but unlearned mission attemts that end up in frustration for both parties.

At the same time, we assist the ministries on the field in Africa with the most efficient way to connect with those who have genuine interest in seeing the work of reaching and saving souls move forward quickly.

Our method is to encourage the use of the abundantly available resources, talents and gifts through:

1.Establishing long term ministry relationships

2. Two way knowledge and ministry exchange

3. Business & working relationships and Christ centered financial stewardship



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The Praying With Impact study guide is a “work book”! Someone once said that prayer is the beginning of work, not the end of it.  Praying With Impact prayer guide will help you overcome that initial “shock” of work in prayer. I pray that the Holy Spirit will take us through this journey with tremendous results that will glorify God and revolutionize our lives, the church and the communities around us with regards to prayer.

Yes, I am confident that God hears and answers prayer (1 John 5:14-15)

This work is a culmination of over 10 years of my prayer journey as a church prayer leader and the shared experience with, and learning of prayer principles from men and women of God in ministry. Their callings range from local ministry to international ministries of huge harvest crusades. Serving with and hosting such people in our home has impressed upon me that the secret of their success was from their bent knees. I have been blessed by sharing many hours with them over the years, in deep prayer and God’s Word. I have seen their faith put to task as we prayed for many things such as: starting at least two Christian radio stations; for 7-day crusades hosting over 100, 000 people daily; for healings; and their own personal needs such as for a child after many years of trying. I saw it all come to pass and much more! My prayer is that this workbook will pass on these anointed principles to you. I was blessed to attend their “school of prayer” for free!

Sam Kawesa RPh, author


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"...Lord teach us to pray, as John also taught his disciples." Luke 11:1

...“come now, let us reason together”, says the Lord. Isaiah 1:18

Our Open Door Home Bible Study group uses principles for Praying With Impact

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Praying With Impact

It's Interactive, It's Divine, it's Biblical